Sunday, September 19, 2010

"Somewhere In Another Universe" Special Feature

Our world is a very loopy place. It's a world that pays millions of dollars to people who do nothing but pretend to be someone else for about an hour. It's a place that constantly says that education is important but also keeps cutting the budget to the classes that provide said education. We wonder what our place in the universe is but refuse to acknowledge that with such a big universe our place must be very very small in the grand scheme of things. We argue over the question of whether or not there is a God when in all honesty the only reason a higher being matching the description of God would want to create a universe is that said being doesn't understand his/her place in the grand scheme of things either. We are so diluted by our own illusion of superiority that we refuse to take into consideration that we, as a very tiny minority in relation to the whole universe, might be nothing but a high school science experiment (albeit a high school inhabited by beings millions of years more advanced than us).

It is the fact our world is so loopy that makes people such as myself wonder: "What if?"

"What if, somewhere in another universe, Kentucky Fried Chicken was called Pennsylvania Oiled Ostrich?"

"What if, somewhere in another universe, Rosie O'Donnell was a popular television icon?" (I shudder at the thought).

"What if The Sopranos ran for ten more seconds?"

"What if, when you lie, your pants spontaneously combust?"

It's all speculation, but it's fun to speculate on worlds that are just as strange and diverse as our own universe.

I have shared with you some very strange worlds. Worlds where the things we wish were true are indeed true, where a cat looks like a dog and it's always a good idea to leave your fly unzipped. But there is one universe that stands above the rest. This universe is so strange that it makes the stuff you've seen in James Cameron's Avatar seem mundane.

It's a universe that I have saved up until this day, a very special day, because I felt it wouldn't be suitable until now. It's a universe so special that it deserved it's own singular episode. This is the time I have decided to share it with you now...

So here it goes...


In Another Universe....






...Everyone talks like a pirate...


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